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Daher resumes its ‘Young Eagles’ internship program
<p><i>Anthony Garza & Lauren Meyer during their intership in Tarbes.</i></p>

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, August 1st: After two years of interruption due to the pandemic, Daher Aerospace company was happy to resume this year its internship program. Initiated 15 years ago this internship program in partnership with EAA offers again to two American students to live the adventure of their life.
This year, the scholarship recipients were Lauren Meyer, from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, a student in engineering and computer science from the University of Tennessee, and Anthony Garza, from San Antonio, Texas, Bachelor of Science in Aerospace engineering at Texas A&M, University.
Both worked during five weeks in June and July at Daher’s Tarbes facility in France, near the Pyrenees mountains. Lauren Meyer was integrated in the TBM Care team, to elaborate new services for customers, while Anthony Garza was tasked to digitalize the PT6 engine for the design office.
Upon their return they participated during one week at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022 with the Daher team. This internship is all inclusive, lodging and work experience was included. They also had a tour of Airbus facility at Toulouse.
“This opportunity is a one-of-a-kind experience for the recipients,” said Nicolas Chabbert, Senior Vice President of Daher Aircraft Division and CEO of Daher Aircraft Inc.
“They spent time with our team in France, gaining expertise in their fields of interest – within our marketing and support departments. We hope the experience will make a difference in their future careers, while also benefitting our company by working with the next-generation of aviation industry decision-makers.” He added.
Applications for the 2023 internship will be announced on Daher website https://www.daher.com/en/candidate/ this winter, and selected applicants will be announced at Sun’N’fun Aerospace Expo in April 2023.